Emberwing (Winged Demon Lord) - Fields of Slaughter (Act 3) - Diablo 3
PL: Żaroskrzydły
DE: Glutschwinge


Bounty: Emberwing
(Winged Demon Lord)

Emberwing is located in act 3 and can be found in Fields of Slaughter location. In Diablo 3 present from 1.0.8 version and is Winged Molok type of monster. On the same map are other unique monsters such as Blood Clan Warrior Shertik the Brute (Poisonous Malformed Beast), Blood Clan Spearman Ghallem the Cruel (Blood Clan Frost Ranger), Demonic Ballista (Dread War Machine). It appears in the form of bounty called "Kill Emberwing" in the location Fields of Slaughter in act 3. There are also other unique monsters of Winged Molok type in the game - Direclaw the Demonflyer (Swift Winged Death) in Rakkis Crossing location.

How to find Emberwing in Diablo 3:

Restart the game until you find bounty Kill Emberwing.
Act: 3
Location: Fields of Slaughter
Appearance: Random
Monster type: Winged Molok
Other unique monsters of type Winged Molok: Direclaw the Demonflyer (Swift Winged Death) [Rakkis Crossing]
Game mode: Campaign/Adventure mode
Can be found as bounty: Yes
Bounty name: Kill Emberwing
Other unique monsters in same location: Demonic Ballista (Dread War Machine), Blood Clan Spearman Ghallem the Cruel (Blood Clan Frost Ranger), Blood Clan Warrior Shertik the Brute (Poisonous Malformed Beast)
Found in version: 1.0.8
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