Lyeless (Walks Softly) - Fields of Misery (Act 1) - Diablo 3
PL: Ługow
DE: Lyeless


(Walks Softly)

Lyeless is located in act 1 and can be found in Fields of Misery location. In Diablo 3 present from 2.5.0 version and is Moon Clan Impaler type of monster. On the same map are other unique monsters such as Moon Clan Shaman Charchian (Carries big stick), Moon Clan Warrior Branum (Talks Softly), Savage Beast Growler (Beast of the Fields), Moon Clan Warrior Krelm the Flagitious (Brutish Oaf), Blood Clan Spearman Odeg the Keywarden of Regret (Evasive Khazra Brute), Moon Clan Warrior Melmak the Swift (Quick as Lightning), Burrowing Leaper Dreadclaw the Leaper (Rodent of Unusual Size), Savage Beast Charger (The Ground Shall Tremble). There are also other unique monsters of Moon Clan Impaler type in the game - Buras the Impaler (Fiery Warrior) in Southern Highlands location.

How to find Lyeless in Diablo 3:

Search whole location.
Act: 1
Location: Fields of Misery
Appearance: Random
Monster type: Moon Clan Impaler
Other unique monsters of type Moon Clan Impaler: Buras the Impaler (Fiery Warrior) [Southern Highlands]
Game mode: Campaign/Adventure mode
Other unique monsters in same location: Savage Beast Charger (The Ground Shall Tremble), Burrowing Leaper Dreadclaw the Leaper (Rodent of Unusual Size), Moon Clan Warrior Melmak the Swift (Quick as Lightning), Blood Clan Spearman Odeg the Keywarden of Regret (Evasive Khazra Brute), Moon Clan Warrior Krelm the Flagitious (Brutish Oaf), Savage Beast Growler (Beast of the Fields), Moon Clan Warrior Branum (Talks Softly), Moon Clan Shaman Charchian (Carries big stick)
Found in version: 2.5.0
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