Lasciate (The Abandoned Dream) - Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier (Act 4) - Diablo 3
PL: Lasciate
DE: Lasciate


Bounty: Lasciate
(The Abandoned Dream)

Lasciate is located in act 4 and can be found in Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier location. In Diablo 3 present from 2.2.0 version and is Corrupted Angel type of monster. On the same map are other unique monsters such as Mounted Armaddon Palerider Beleth (The Hellsteed Instructor), Warscarred Ravager Emberdread (Walker Of The Burning Pitch), Mallet Lord Erra (Breaker Of The Silver City), Armored Destroyer Razorclaw (Reaper of Angels), Morlu Invader Oah' Tash (The Impenetrable Bulwark), Morlu Invader Kao' Ahn (Morlu High Lord). It appears in the form of bounty called "Kill Lasciate" in the location Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier in act 4. There are also other unique monsters of Corrupted Angel type in the game - Prratshet the Reaper (The Death of Scribes) in Unbending Fate: The Banished location, Helltooth Provocatuer in Dungeon Of The Helltooth Harness location, Erethon (Rift Guardian) in Nephalem Rift location, Pyres the Damned (Eternity of Fire) in The Silver Spire Level 1 location.

How to find Lasciate in Diablo 3:

Restart the game until you find bounty Kill Lasciate.
Act: 4
Location: Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
Appearance: Random
Monster type: Corrupted Angel
Other unique monsters of type Corrupted Angel: Pyres the Damned (Eternity of Fire) [The Silver Spire Level 1], Erethon (Rift Guardian) [Nephalem Rift], Helltooth Provocatuer [Dungeon Of The Helltooth Harness], Prratshet the Reaper (The Death of Scribes) [Unbending Fate: The Banished]
Game mode: Campaign/Adventure mode
Can be found as bounty: Yes
Bounty name: Kill Lasciate
Other unique monsters in same location: Morlu Invader Kao' Ahn (Morlu High Lord), Morlu Invader Oah' Tash (The Impenetrable Bulwark), Armored Destroyer Razorclaw (Reaper of Angels), Mallet Lord Erra (Breaker Of The Silver City), Warscarred Ravager Emberdread (Walker Of The Burning Pitch), Mounted Armaddon Palerider Beleth (The Hellsteed Instructor)
Found in version: 2.2.0
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