Hazzor the Viper (The Sibilant) - Sewers of Caldeum (Act 2) - Diablo 3
Unique monsters - Act 2 >> Hazzor the Viper
PL: Hazzor Żmij
DE: Hazzor die Viper

Hazzor the Viper

(The Sibilant)

Hazzor the ViperHazzor the Viper
Hazzor the Viper is located in act 2 and can be found in Sewers of Caldeum location. In Diablo 3 present from 1.0.8 version and is Serpent Magus type of monster. On the same map are other unique monsters such as Grim Wraith Shade of Nar Gulle (Shadow of Vengeance), Grim Wraith Raziel (The Dark One), Serpent Magus Ningish (The Deathstormer), Desert Reaper Moontooth Dreadshark (The Shadowswimmer), Writhing Deceiver Khaaz (Deadly Serpent Fighter), Betrayed Flesh of Nar Gulle (The Diseased Husk). It is needed to acomplish achievements: A Unique Collection. There are also other unique monsters of Serpent Magus type in the game - Jade Champion in Dungeon of the Jade Harvester location, Ssthrass (The Sliverbolt) in Dahlgur Oasis location, Ningish (The Deathstormer) in Sewers of Caldeum location, Goz'turr the Torturer (Reaper of Pain) in The Wretched Pit location.

How to find Hazzor the Viper in Diablo 3:

Search whole location.
Act: 2
Location: Sewers of Caldeum
Appearance: Random
Monster type: Serpent Magus
Other unique monsters of type Serpent Magus: Goz'turr the Torturer (Reaper of Pain) [The Wretched Pit], Ningish (The Deathstormer) [Sewers of Caldeum], Ssthrass (The Sliverbolt) [Dahlgur Oasis], Jade Champion [Dungeon of the Jade Harvester]
Game mode: Campaign/Adventure mode
Other unique monsters in same location: Betrayed Flesh of Nar Gulle (The Diseased Husk), Writhing Deceiver Khaaz (Deadly Serpent Fighter), Desert Reaper Moontooth Dreadshark (The Shadowswimmer), Serpent Magus Ningish (The Deathstormer), Grim Wraith Raziel (The Dark One), Grim Wraith Shade of Nar Gulle (Shadow of Vengeance)
Found in version: 1.0.8
Achievements in which appears:
- A Unique Collection

A Unique Collection
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Lilja#2796 (2014-04-14 13:42:08)
This is the last one I need! Invite/Whisper me if you find it! Lilja#2796 - EU!

Tigz (2018-11-25 13:45:51)
up 2018, i think you have to search Hazzor in campaign because i searched in bounty i never found it, in campain 1st time !

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