Dreadgrasp (Tendrils of Evil) - The Battlefields (Act 3) - Diablo 3
Unique monsters - Act 3 >> Dreadgrasp
PL: Strachowijec
DE: Angstgriff


Bounty: Dreadgrasp
(Tendrils of Evil)

Dreadgrasp is located in act 3 and can be found in The Battlefields location. In Diablo 3 present from 1.0.8 version and is Herald of Pestilence type of monster. On the same map are other unique monsters such as Reviled Mehshak the Abomination (From the Depths of Arreat), Herald of Pestilence Handible (Demon of Frozen Horrors), Blood Clan Warrior Groak the Brawler (Infected Hellspawn), Demonic Hellflyer Colossal Firewing (The Hell-Warder). It is needed to acomplish achievements: A Unique Collection. It appears in the form of bounty called "Kill Dreadgrasp" in the location The Battlefields in act 3. There are also other unique monsters of Herald of Pestilence type in the game - Servant of Arachyr in Dungeon Of The Spirit Of Arachyr location, Valifahr the Noxious (Vengeful Demon Fiend) in Arreat Crater Level 1 location, Handible (Demon of Frozen Horrors) in The Battlefields location.

How to find Dreadgrasp in Diablo 3:

Restart the game until you find bounty Kill Dreadgrasp.
Act: 3
Location: The Battlefields
Appearance: Random
Monster type: Herald of Pestilence
Other unique monsters of type Herald of Pestilence: Handible (Demon of Frozen Horrors) [The Battlefields], Valifahr the Noxious (Vengeful Demon Fiend) [Arreat Crater Level 1], Servant of Arachyr [Dungeon Of The Spirit Of Arachyr]
Game mode: Campaign/Adventure mode
Can be found as bounty: Yes
Bounty name: Kill Dreadgrasp
Other unique monsters in same location: Demonic Hellflyer Colossal Firewing (The Hell-Warder), Blood Clan Warrior Groak the Brawler (Infected Hellspawn), Herald of Pestilence Handible (Demon of Frozen Horrors), Reviled Mehshak the Abomination (From the Depths of Arreat)
Found in version: 1.0.8
Achievements in which appears:
- A Unique Collection

A Unique Collection
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